The Simplest Dinner
Hello everyone this blog will be much lighter than previous ones. This previous year at college I lived on campus in a dorm. Alongside the dorm package was a meal plan, and with the meal plan, was eating like garbage. Panda Express, Habit Burger, Halal Shack, Oggis. Processed foods, oil, hardly any vegetables. A few months in I was essentially a bloated mess eating all of this food on campus. I was afraid of cooking for myself for a simple reason, I am spending my own money. With the meal plan I ate comfortably, and didn't want to not spend any money. I was already paying tuition for this year, and if I didn't use the meal plan, I was losing money in my eyes. However, my body told me otherwise, this feels horrible. The simple solution was to cook for myself, and choose where to eat better on campus. Instead of an extra serving of orange chicken at Panda I would get broccoli instead. Cut the drink and fries from the Habit Burger order...